AUMOHD is a voluntary, non-salaried human rights advocacy group.
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picture left: AUMOHD Lawyers and IJDH intern flank Sason after being liberated.
by Tom Luce, Pres. Hurah, Inc. Nov. 16, 2005
Jean-Louis COLSON aka Sason,the community coordinator of the GranRavin CHRC (Community Human Rights Council) formed by AUMOHD in August, was freed today, November 16 by the AUMOHD team in collaboration with IJDH (Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti). He had been receiving death threats for weeks, was almost arrested in October. On Saturday in a bizarre conflict between two UN units, Sason was taken illegally to jail. Less than 48 hours later his freedom was virtually secured, at the insistence of AUMOHD, by the highest authority in the Haitian police, Mr. Mario Andresol.
In the community the Gran Ravin CHRC is known as the GranRavin Victims' Association. On Saturday, November 12, Sason was physically removed from the MINUSTAH patrol which has been protecting him through an agreement beginning in August. It was a UN civilian police unit (UNPOL) which took him at the State Hospital where he had brought a new teenage shooting victim, Wilfrid, for care. The UNPOL unit made up of Chinese officers announced to the MINUSTAH patrol made up of Sri Lankans that Sason was denounced as the chief of a violent gang to MINUSTAH intelligence officer Feitosa, a Brailian. The commander of the Sri Lankan patrol, Major Bandara Thusita, objected, but the UNPOL forcefully removed him and brought him to the detention center near the fire station in down town Port-Au-Prince, Champ de Mars. There was nothing legal about this action. No warrant for arrest. No crime was seen committed.
Hurah, Inc. sent out a memo immediately to all U.N. authorities with copies to the US embassy protesting this action and calling for the release of Sason. A copy of this memo is printed below. On Monday U.S. Embassy human rights officer, Dana Banks, called Tom Luce, Pres. of Hurah in response to the memo and asked what the embassy could do. Luce said that since Mr. Carney, acting Ambassador, had spoken forcefully the week before about the GranRavin case--the US wants this case prosecuted especially since so much money has been given for the "professionalization" of the police--the Embassy should be doing all it could to support the release of Sason and the protection of witnesses crucial to the case.
A meeting which lasted two hours then ensued in the afternoon between AUMOHD's executive council and Mr. Mario Andresol, newly appointed General Director of the Haitian National Police. Attorney Evel Fanfan, President, Attorney Claude Henry, AUMOHD V.P. Attorney Reginald Colin, Secretary of AUMOHD, and Montes Plaisimé, Public relations officer, represented AUMOHD. This was on Monday, Nov. 14, less than 48 hours after the arrest, an unheard of swift response. At the meeting Mr. Andresol acknowledged the illegality of the arrest and detention of Sason and called the police chief in charge of the prison to release Sason on the spot. However, the prison captain then reported that Sason had been denounced "by public clamor" as having killed someone Friday evening. This type of denunciation was used to arrest and imprison Fr. Jean-Juste who is still in prison. The charges appeared spurious. Attorney Fanfan, Pres. of AUMOHD, immediately went to the jail to investigate the charges. On Tuesday Fanfan went again to the jail and completed his investigation. He was confident that he would be able to liberate Sason on Wednesday. That is what happened. In the picture above are V.P. of AUMOHD Attorney Claude Henry with Attorney Evel Fanfan. Sason is in the middle. Another legal advisor wishing to remain anonymous also accompanied Sason from the jail.
Hurah, Inc. sent a memo commending Mr. Andresol for his following a course of justice in the matter. A copy of this memo is printed below.
MEMO #1 Protesting the arrest of SASON TO: UN Authorities in Haiti: Mr. Valdes, Gen. Matta Bacellar, Chief Muir, Chief Fagart, Mr. Andresol, Diector General, Haitian National Police,
RE: Case of GranRavin/Martissant Massacres: Urgent request
DATE: Nov. 14, 2005
FROM: Tom Luce, President, Human Rights Accompaniment In Haiti- Hurah, Inc.
CC: Amb. T. Carney, Ms. D. Banks, Sec. Insulza, Mr. Medley, Mr. Alston, Sec. K. Annan
On Saturday, Nov. 12, 2005, an unfortunate and bewildering action was taken by a UNPOL unit against the will of a MINUSTAH patrol to place Mr. Colson Louis Jean, known as "Sason" into the custody of the Haitian National Police at Champ De Mars commissariat. We are writing to ask for an immediate inquiry into this action and for the immediate release of Sason.
Sason is the spokesperson for the Association of GranRavin Victims (AVGRA). The UNPOL officers armed with weapons physically removed Sason from the hands of a Sri Lankan MINUSTAH patrol under the command of Major Bandara Thusita on Saturday, Nov. 12, 2005 at the State University Hospital. Major Thusita's patrol was protecting Jason under a long standing agreement with the CIVPOL, (now UNPOL) that was set up in August following the so-called "soccer" massacres. This MINUSTAH patrol was accompanying Sason as he brought another bullet wound victim to the State University Hospital. The authority cited for this action was, according to UNPOL officer, Mr. Joseph, a report by an intelligence officer, a Mr. Feitosa with the Brazilian MINUSTAH forces alleging that Mr. Jean was the "chief of a gang".
This bizarre confrontation between two UN units needs to be thoroughly investigated. The intelligence being reported to the Brazilian officer, Mr. Feitosa, must be evaluated and balanced with other information readily available. The suspicion that elements guilty, among others, the "Little Machete Army", of the August massacres are funneling false accusations against their accusers to UN authorities must be investigated.
The case of the August massacres must be allowed to follow its course unhampered by intimidations of witnesses, victim survivors, community leaders, and their legal team. The work these people have accomplished to date has been terribly slow, hampered by government bureaucracy, and by terrorist acts including further killings by the "Little Machete Army". Sason and the other falsely accused and illegally detained prisoners must be released.
Thank you for your attention.
(Tom Luce)
Letter to the LetHaitiLive Coalition announcing the liberation of SASON
Hello Friends,
I have just sent faxes and e-mails to all the authorities in the GranRavin case, specifically regarding the liberation of Mr. Jean Louis COLSON, aka SASON, commending Mr. Mario Andresol, Director of the Haitian National Police for his prompt action regarding Sason's illegal arrest and detention. On Monday Mr. Andresol met with the AUMOHD council and then ordered Sason's liberation. Yesterday AUMOHD President Evel Fanfan went to the prison to secure this liberation. There had been an additional complaint by "public clamor" lodged by unknown parties against Sason alleging he had killed someone on Friday. Attorney Fanfan confirmed for me today that he is on his way to obtain Sason's liberation. Fanfan says it is important to acknowledge the cooperation of the authorities, especially Mr. Andresol, in following the law and exhibiting an understanding of the GranRavin case. There is still much to be done, but this is a step forward. Contact information is given below the translation of my fax. If you're not up to contacting everyone, Mr. Mario Andresol would be the important one to communicate with, plus the U.S. Embassy. We're also trying to give support to Major Bandara Thusita, the MINUSTAH commander who was protecting SASON.
To: UN Authorities: Mr. Valdes, Gen. Bacellar, Dir. Muir, Dir. Fagart
M. Mario Andrésol, Police Nationale d'Haïti
De: Tom Luce, Pres. of Hurah, Inc. (Human Rights Accompaniment in Haiti
FAX;: 802-476-7056
RE: Case of Mr. Jean Louis COLSON (SASON)
Date: November 16, 2005
cc: Amb. T. Carney, Ms. D. Banks, Sec. Insulza, M. Medley, M. Alston, Sec.
I would like to commend Mr. Mario Andresol, Director General of the Haitian National Police, for his quick action on Monday in response to the urgent call of our partner, AUMOHD, to respond to the case of Mr. Jean Louis COLSON, aka SASON
Mr. Andresol made himself available immediately for a meeting which lasted two hours. During that meeting Mr. Andresol acknowledged the gravity of the situation in which Mr. COLSON had been seized by force by a unit of UNPOL without any arrest warrant or actual crime witnessed. Moreover Mr. Andresol understood the importance of the integrity of the case of GranRavin relative to the role which Mr. COLSON has playede in the pacification of the GranRavin community first with the MINUSTAH DDR program with Mr. Eric CALPAS, program coordinator (e-mail:, tel. 509-404-3947, 244-2050, ext 6495); then with OIM where Mr. COLSON played the role of liaison between the people of Martissant and GranRavin in the preparation of the road Vaval in Martissant 7 leading to the GranRavin market; finally Mr. Jean Louis COLSON, called SASON, played the role of coordinator in the citizen's commission on the struggle against violence in the Martissant and GranRavin areas (Hérold BASIS of the DDR of MINUSTAH. Tel 509-415-5979.
Consequently Mr. Andresol called the commissioner of the DDO of PAP asking him to free Mr. COLSON on the spot. We are very satisfied with these actions of promoting justice.
Also Mr. Andresol and AUMOHD arrived at an understanding that the funerals of the victims still at the morgue would be handled well. For that, again with the cooperation of Mr. Andresol, arrangements for security have been provided for inside the church of St. Anne, and all around the church. This agreement again serves as a demonstration of good faith on the part of the police that there will be protection for the witnesses, the victim survivors, and the families of this massacre.
Please accept, Sirs, my most respectful feelings.
I await continued collaboration for a just pursuit of the case of GranRavin/Martissant.
Tom Luce, Pres. Hurah, Inc.
1. Juan Valdes,, Haiti UN Mission Chief, MINUSTAH,Fax 244-3512
2. General Urano Teixeira da Matta Bacellar UN Military Commander in Haiti: 011-509-554-8074 Tel. 509-244-9366/67 Tel. 509-244-9650/9660
3. Graham Muir, UNPOL Chief,,
4. Thierry Fagart, UN Human Rights Chief,,
5. Mario Andresol, Director General, Haitian National Police, Fax+509 245 7374
cc: . Timothy Carney, U.S. Embassy, fax 509-223-9038, 1641,
Dana Banks,, US Embassy Human Rights officer,
Major Bandara Thusita ,, MINUSTAH Commander of the Sri Lankan patrol stationed at Bizonton protecting the GranRavin community.
OAS Sec. Gen Insulza Fax 202-458-6836
Mr. Medley, Caricom,
Philip Alston, Special Rappoteur,, Fax 41-22-917-9006
Sec. Kofi Annan, Fax: 212.963.4879
Tom Luce, President
Human Rights Accompaniment In Haiti
900 Advocates In The Northeast of the U.S.
30 Park St.
Barre, Vt. 05641
Tel. 802-476-7056, 522-3525
http://www.hurah.webhop.orgEarlier memo requesting assistance to protect the AUMOHD team and the GranRAvin community
Earlier Memo requesting US assistance to protect the GranRAvin community and the AUMOHD team
DATE: 11/08/05
I was greatly relieved to read in today's AHP report that you have been made aware of the so-called Gran Ravin massacre case. I am writing you with an urgent request to help support the people directly responsible for advocating for justice in this matter. They are without means and are under death threats in retaliation for their persistence in this matter.
The legal team assisting the community, AUMOHD, located at 181 Autoroute de Delmas 23 across from Sogebank, is also without means and operates on a volunteer basis. Already a lead Grand Ravin community member has had to be evacuated to safe housing to avoid being killed and the entire team of witnesses, family members, survivors and their legal advocates are on alert because of the retaliation threats against them. The case has a great beginning but is being seriously threatened.
I would like to ask your assistance for this situation. There are several ways to help.
1. You could confer with Mr. Thierry Fagart, MINUSTAH human rights chief, who is already engaged in the matter, being asked to provide security patrols for the community, protection for witnesses and for the legal team. These vulnerable people can use all the help they can get.
2. There is an ongoing financial cost to pursuing a huge case like this. AUMOHD has to provide communications support among and between the community members, transportation of witnesses and family members around the city, and now they are faced with finding safe housing. Perhaps the funds you mentioned in the AHP article today could be applied for by AUMOHD to continue pursuing this case. Grants for human rights work are almost nonexistent. We have been trying to get assistance from various agencies but they do not have funds for human rights training and assistance such as is extremely important in cases like this one.
3. I have been asked by AUMOHD President, Attorney Evel Fanfan for assistance in getting a temporary visa for him as a final backup plan for his safety. Attorney Fanfan was granted a 3 week visa last February to do a speaking tour in the US Northeast sponsored by my organization and several other groups. Ms. Jennifer Langston was the visa director in charge and knows the case. We have also worked with Ms. Dana Banks and Ms. Sara Luther. My congressional offices have sent reference letters to the Embassy vouching for my authenticity as a Vermont resident and human rights advocate. I am asking them again to contact you in this matter.
4. The US Embassy human rights department in its ongoing relations with the justice department
could provide AUMOHD with some support in dealing with this bizarre case involving large numbers of the Haitian Police.
5. The US Embassy could provide personal protective services for victim survivors, family members, witnesses and community organizers involved in pursuing this case.
Allow me to explain my involvement in the case: I was in Port-au-Prince from Aug.4 thru Sept. 7 to accompany our human rights team, AUMOHD, a young group of professionals who volunteer to work with indigent clients who are illegally arrested and detained. On Aug. 23 we received a call from area leaders about the double massacre, the first on Aug. 20, in a Martissant soccer stadium, and the second on Aug. 21, in a neighborhood of Grand Ravin called Ti Jasmin. AUMOHD President, Attorney Evel Fanfan, immediately began to work with the residents involved in structuring a follow-up to this heinous killing that would bring the perpetrators to justice. He secured testimony from all witnesses and family members and organized the necessary tasks involved in certifying corpses and obtaining authentic autopsies. He met with the community to help them plan for funerals. He saw to it that the relatives were transported to the various government offices to certify the bodies. All of this work couldn't have been accomplished if Mr. Fanfan had not worked hard to gain the respect and trust of this very terrified community. Also he pressured the Port-Au-Prince states attorney, Mr. Emane Alcé, to become active. The complaint was filed. MINUSTAH Human Rights Chief, Mr. Thierry Fagart, was sought out for helping in obtain security patrols for the community and in supporting the pursuit of the legal case.
I have served as international liaison between AUMOHD and various human rights groups in the U.S., Canada and abroad.
Unfortunately after a month of the slow process of getting autopsies done, affidavits filed, and handling the multiple funeral arrangements, AUMOHD was alerted to a renewed incursion into the community by the group known as The Little Hatchet Army , those who assisted the Haitian Police in the double massacres. The police tried to arrest community leaders who were helping with the investigation but MINUSTAH authorities vetoed this. Then two weeks ago this murderous group invaded the Grand Ravin main market and killed innocent people in an attempt to intimidate the entire populace into giving up the pursuit of the massacres case. Death threats were issued and now the community group as well as AUMOHD itself is being forced to take special precaution in order to survive.
AUMOHD is located at 181 Route de Delmas 23 in front of the Sogebank. Evel Fanfan s cell phone is 509-424-3334. E-mail: If you could contact Mr. Fanfan personally, it would do a great deal to ease his mind that we are concerned with the pursuit of this case.
I am available at any time to be of assistance to AUMOHD and the Grand Rravin community members. Please feel free to call on me.
Thank you.
Tom Luce